Carbon Capture Future Leader Award* (Deadline 30 May 2023)
Strong track record in carbon capture research
7-15 years of experience since completion of PhD
One reference from a carbon capture leading professor
Three-page CV listing the following information:
1) Personal background;
2) Up to 10 publications (indicating cover page if available);
3) Up to 10 grants (indicating PI or Co-I);
4) Awards
5) Examples of research impacts (e.g. citations, news and contributions to commercialisation)
Evaluation criteria
The extent of recommendations from the reference letter
Publications (considering Journal recognition in carbon capture research areas
Participation in major grants
Impact of research
Promoting CCST journal (desirable)
Application procedure: send the two required documents to (Dr Wu).
Deadline of application: 30 May 2022.
Carbon Capture Future Star Award* (Deadline 30 May 2023)
Strong track record in carbon capture research
2-6 years of experience since completion of PhD
One reference from a carbon capture leading professor
Three-page CV listing the following information:
1) Personal background;
2) Up to 5 publications (indicating cover page if available);
3) Up to 5 grants (indicating PI or Co-I);
4) Awards
5) Examples of research impacts (e.g. citations, news and contributions to commercialisation)
Evaluation criteria
The extent of recommendations from the reference letter
Publications (considering Journal recognition in carbon capture research areas
Participation in national and international projects
Impact of research
Promoting CCST journal (desirable)
Deadline of application: 30 May 2022.
Application procedure: send the two required documents to (Dr Wu).
* The organisation committee has the right to make changes